Hello! Thank you for your interest in learning more about me and my work. I am a life-long learner and educator, racial justice advocate and dog mom. My mission is to help expand the ranks of committed and effective white antiracist people in the United States. A vision I hold dear is the day when the majority of white people in the US participate in some form of collective action against white supremacy because we recognize its toxic nature and how it injures everyone it touches, including white people.

Ally and me on our travels.
I keep this larger vision in mind while recognizing the roadblocks we face. I am equal parts idealist and realist. Being on the racial justice journey, I contribute as best as I can, encouraging and supporting others to do the same. Knowing that I am part of a large wave of people working toward justice energizes me. My antiracist community, AWARE-LA, is what keeps me strong. This group consistently pushes me to expand my awareness, my analysis, my skill, and my capacity to be more effective and impactful.
My wish for you is that you have an antiracist community that supports you to hone your gifts, so they can be used to usher in a more justice-oriented and healthful society. We all need one another!
My goal is for this website is to provide you with resources that inspire you be an even stronger, more positive, effective, strategic force in your community. What you will find here was developed through ongoing cycles of personal introspection, study, community engagement, and action. This reflexive cycle has brought me into community with many others who strive to leave this world better than how we entered it. Perhaps we will meet someday on the racial justice freeway. I hope so. Be sure to wave as you pass by.
A joyous community that believes we can defeat the racism and white supremacy in our society, institutions, and psyches. A welcoming community that loves ourselves and each other enough to extend grace and empathy while we make mistakes on our way to making change. A liberated community that recognizes our need to heal ourselves while we work to create new societal structures.
To contact Shelly, please email her at stochluk@msmu.edu.

Ally and I share a commitment to justice.