These articles provide tools that help people understand issues that confuse many who want to help in the fight against racism.
- The metaphor of the Racial Justice Freeway is a fan favorite, highlighting the need to value the various ways people work for justice.
- White Teachers, Know Thyself is a must-read for teachers, as it explains how our best efforts go awry if we do not successfully move through the racial identity process ourselves.
Featured Articles

White Teachers, Know Thyself: Improving Anti-Racist Praxis Through Racial Identity Development
This article describes 6 areas of work white teachers should undertake in order to improve our anti-racist teaching practices. The full article can be made available as a pdf if you email to request a copy. View the abstract here.
“But I Just Don’t See It!”: Making White Superiority Visible
This article provides the resources necessary for facilitators to implement a scenario-based discussion tool that helps white people recognize and interrupt white superiority in not-for-profit organizations.
Direct link to journal article (PDF)
Link to full journal volume